
Sunfield Home is a registered NPO and has been a loving home forintellectually impaired adults for over 65 years.

Sunfield Home is extremely grateful for any and all donations received. Your contribution, no matter how small or large, will assist us in providing life-long care for our residents. Every little bit counts – we’ve had donations from R75 and upwards.

We have Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) status, which means your donation is tax deductible. Please Contact Us should you require a tax exemption certificate.

Latest from our Blog

A Journey of Strength and Joy: Dougie’s Life with Down Syndrome at Sunfield Home

Life with Down Syndrome is a journey filled with both challenges and incredible joy, as shown through the heartwarming story of Douglas James Dryden, affectionately known as Dougie. From the moment of his diagnosis, Dougie has defied expectations, growing into a vibrant and competitive sportsman while embracing every opportunity that life has offered him. His story, spanning childhood, schooling, and now adulthood at Sunfield Home Howick, is a testament to the power of love, community, and perseverance. This blog shares his remarkable journey, highlighting how Sunfield has been a source of stability, happiness, and personal growth for Dougie and his family.

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Understanding Down Syndrome: Challenges and How Sunfield Can Help

Down syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, is a genetic condition that occurs due to the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material affects development, resulting in intellectual differences and certain physical traits, such as distinct facial features and low muscle tone. People with Down syndrome experience a range of developmental and health challenges, but each person’s journey is unique.

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Williams Syndrome

Williams Syndrome (WS) is more than a medical diagnosis—it’s a unique and often challenging journey filled with love, learning, and growth. In this follow-up blog, we delve deeper into life with WS through the story of Ilz-Marie Clemitson and her daughter, Amé. Ilz-Marie shares her personal experiences, shedding light on the beautiful complexities of raising a child with WS and how Sunfield Home has provided Amé with a loving, independent community where she thrives.

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Have any questions? Call or email our General Manager, Don Tully.
082 801 5931