Get Involved


Some of our residents no longer have a family to provide for them. We invite you to contribute to their care.

Many of our residents have been with us since turning 18 and are now in their retirement years. Their parents have passed away and they have nowhere else to go. They have no way to support themselves, other than contributing beautiful crafts for our markets and shop. However, they have needs that must be provided for every month.

If you are someone who would find fulfilment and joy in sponsoring the costs of a person in need, please donate today.

Our General Manager, Don Tully, would welcome the opportunity to discuss options and commitment levels personally with you. 

Contact Don today to chat about how you can help our ressies.

Host a Fundraiser

Organize an event or gathering to raise funds on our behalf.

Hosting a fundraising event is a fun way for you to assist Sunfield Home. Could one of these ideas work for you?

Need some help to make this happen?
We’d love to chat!

Event Sponsorship

Let us promote your brand at one of our popular events.

For many years we’ve hosted popular events to assist with our fundraising needs. These events draw participants from all over KZN and, often, from across South Africa.

While current conditions have curtailed our ability to host them within our grounds, we are moving quickly to secure our fundraising through virtual events, and in association with other Midlands organisations.

Do you have a brand whose values are aligned to ours? Do you like to support the Midlands community? And, do you want your brand positioned alongside an organisation with a long and proud reputation of helping the less fortunate?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us so we can discuss how we can partner together for a greater good.

Corporate Social Investment

Talk to us about the numerous B-BBEE and CSI opportunities available when your business assists Sunfield Home. We can help you score better!

As a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Sunfield Home, Howick is well positioned to partner with companies to facilitate and maximise their B-BBEE and Social Responsibility requirements.

There are a number of projects and activities that Sunfield Home undertakes, which provide opportunities from which companies can benefit and raise their scores.

Our residents have experience in undertaking an assembly project and we have the capacity and resources to produce gifts, products and craft items as corporate give-aways.

Would you like to partner with Sunfield Home Howick?

Leave a Bequest

By leaving a bequest to the Home you will impact the lives of all the residents.

Would you like to leave a lasting legacy?

Sunfield Home is a registered PBO with an independent Board of Directors. This dedicated team ensures that all funds received are responsibly utilised, with full accountability.

Do you have a soft spot for intellectually impaired adults? Would you be willing to add a Codicil to your Will to leave a bequest to Sunfield Home Howick?

Get in touch with us to discuss the requirements.

Become a volunteer

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead

There are several areas in which volunteers can assist Sunfield Home and our residents.

Do you believe in donating some of your time to help the less fortunate?

Making the world, or a small piece of Howick, South Africa, a better place does not take a lot from any one individual. However, by working together as a dedicated and focused team, we can achieve so much.

Please reach out to share your skills, ideas and areas of passion so we can see how to harness your energy, with other committed volunteers, to really make a difference.

Donate or get involved

Chat to Don

Have any questions? Call or email our General Manager, Don Tully.
082 801 5931