Comfort, care, love, and TLC. Something we all need when we are under the weather and not feeling well. At Sunfield Home we ensure that our residents are all well cared for. Their comfort and wellbeing are our number one priority. For this reason, we felt it important to develop a Sickbay which is solely focused on caring for our residents who are unwell. Being in a closed community can result in illnesses such as flues and tummy bugs spreading very rapidly, and therefore an area dedicated to care for our sick residents is very important. Previously our residents would stay in their bedrooms if they were unwell but would still tend to mix with the other residents in the units unintentionally.
Our newly developed Sickbay is situated in our Assisted Living/Frail care unit Combrinck house. This is a beautiful, well run, and well-equipped unit and was the ideal area for the placement of our sickbay. The sickbay is sealed off from the rest of the unit with double glass doors, with a designated area for the donning and doffing of PPE for the staff. We have a total of 5 bedrooms and can accommodate 9 residents at once. The rooms have been beautifully decorated to create a “homely” feeling for those being cared for. We are also busy installing TVs in some of the rooms to provide the “patients” with some distractions. Those making use of the sickbay will have their own private bathroom within the isolated area.

These sick residents will be under the care of our medical team, and in the capable hands of our caring House mother and carers of Combrinck House.
We are so grateful for our Sickbay wing which enables us to provide our residents with the best care possible!