Firstly, my congratulations to David Worral on becoming Chairman of Sunfield Home I wish you every
success in your new role.
Let us kick off with the amazing achievement of our two residents Bronwyn and Jenna on medals in the
Germany Special Olympics’ Gold … and Bronze… what a wonderful week the girls had in Germany and a
very exciting home coming with press coverage and the mayor coming to the home to congratulate the
girls. We not only made the local press but also the front page of the Witness. A special thank you must
go to Tania for the hours of training that she put in with the girls before the event.
This year we joined with Tim Tebow Foundation for our first Night to Shine event. This event happens
every year around the world for the Intellectually Impaired adults. To my knowledge this is the first
event of this kind in KZN and Sunfield. It was fantastic and enjoyed by all.
All our sporting event in all codes for the residents have been excellent. The guys have excelled beyond
what they thought possible. Some of the events we have not been involved in before on a local or
national level. I am sure that you have seen the updates on the WhatsApp groups and Facebook. Well-
done to both ressies and the staff that have coached them.
On a lesser note, this year 8 ressies have sadly passed away. Dawie, Caroline, Ross, Tracy, Christo,
Jumbo, Dorrie and Peter Mac. This has taken its toll on us all. Very kindly Pastor Steve Darch ( Tania’s
husband) came to the home to speak to the residents and staff and did special grief counselling to the
Combrink staff.
We continue to have our electricity issues not only with loadshedding but with the increase in cost. As a
management team we have tried various strategies to help with this, some have been successful some
not. But let me assure you that the board are in the process of making plans to rectify this on a long-
term basis. The board hired the services of Mr. Murray Burger from Flux Energy to monitor the usage. It
will be from these findings that the board will make their decisions going forward.
Tim Smeeton who also comes to the home once a week to help us in the tunnels has kindly allowed
Charles Robinson, his farm manager, to join the Estate team 3 days a week to help with the grounds and
general maintenance around the home.
Brand Candy under the guidance of Dianne Perrett and the marketing committee continue to make
strides towards, number one filling our empty beds and making us the most sort after home in the KZN
and the country. They are continually updating our Facebook page to give it a fresh look.
Brandy Candy also work tirelessly on helping to fill the currently 20 empty beds. At this stage I am
pleased to say that 2 residents will be joining us before the end of the year, plus one strong possibility.
David Worrall … I wish you every success in your new post as Chairman of the Board of Sunfield. David is
one of a kind, he often says this “I am a farmer give me cows” or if he is happy “hundreds” but there is
much more to David than that.
John Ade… You have been a good friend as well as a board member, as well as being an accountant he is
a surprisingly compassionate person.
Dianne Perrett … Thank you for always being available and having a heart for Sunfield. There are many
areas that Dianne has taken on to improve the home administratively.
Barbara Higgins… the Traveler. She is an ambassador that takes Sunfield with her wherever she goes.
Mention must be made of Rosemary Fraser. Her attention to detail, her investigative mind will be
missed. Her love for Sunfield was without question. Rosemary put hours of her personnel time into
doing the accounts, salaries, HR, Marketing, different options of energy to name but a few.
Tania Darch … my DGM. Thank you for the love you have for each resident and staff member, for the
hours you spend with them in counselling and encouragement.
I will miss our trips chatting in the car to and from Howick. You and Steve have been a real blessing to
me. Just don’t get lost on the way home now……..
Sue Grant… what can I say. Thankyou does not seem to be enough. I have frustrated the hell out of Sue
most times. Yet she has always come back with a kind word of encouragement and often a solution to
any problem, I would like to say she wisdom beyond her years, but she is already there.
Sue has been with me on personal level many times we have laughed, and cried together and shared
many stories. Thank you Sue you have been a blessing. Sue has a wealth of experience and wisdom.
Thank you to all the parents for me being able to build a relationship with you.
To the wonderful staff thank you for your commitment to the home and the residents.
I would like to make mention to the ladies in the office as well.
My wife Penny, my solid rock, love of my life.
And of course, these wonderful humans, you have changed my life, and my heart. I am a better person
because of you.
As you are all aware of by now this is my last day at Sunfield. I would like to welcome Don Tully. General
Manager – Business, to the home. I believe that you are in for exciting future as you take the home into
this new season. I am positive that you do an excellent job as you take on this assignment. I wish you
everything of the best.
All I ask is that you welcome and support Don, as you did me when I joined in 2016.