Dear Cliff

I have been wanting to write to you for a while re how my daughter Jeni has settled at Sunfield, but have been extremely busy in my role as a mentor/ assessor for OISESA, which is a branch of the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa which audits and assists private schools by looking at every single aspect of what they embody and writing a report on this. Thus, this letter is belated, but most sincere.

Jeni is my 38-year old Down Syndrome daughter, who has lived with my late husband and I throughout her life. She had never even slept over at a friend, let alone lived independently! My late husband’s death in early 2020, left both of us in shock, even though it was sort of expected, but we were comforted by having each other. When, however, I fell extremely ill last year, and nearly lost my life, it raised so many questions as to what would happen to my beloved daughter if anything happened to me. Yes, her siblings may endeavour to do what is best for her, but my step-son is in the UK and has enough health issues with my granddaughter to worry about on his own, without extra responsibilities. My step- daughter, who adores Jeni, lives in Qqerberha (ex PE) but has four children of her own and teaches, so I did not want Jeni to become her added responsibility, nor for Jeni to sit at home doing nothing constructive, without her own friends.

Thus began the search for a specialized place for Jeni to stay where she could be happy, even when I was gone. I explored many avenues, but kept coming back to Sunfield. All the residents seemed so happy and well-cared for, and in addition, unlike almost any other home, there was a frail care also, should they grow old or need extra, specialised help, in an environment they know, with people who had grown to love and care for them. 

When I took my daughter to see the Sunfield concert, have a walk around and see a possible room she might be able to have access to, she was enthralled and seemed excited to be “growing up, and, like her sister and brother, getting a place of her own, and becoming independent.”  She began her trial in October, and, to my surprise, was very excited and loved it. She was pleased to make new friends, enjoyed the different activities on offer and the fact that she was rotated with different crafts to get a feel for what she would be good at and enjoy best. Food is important to her and she loves it, and she reported to me that is was “nice, good and enough” which pleases me too. Having seen the prep of this food and been around when it is about to be served, I am very pleased at how nutritious and wholesome it is and that fruit is always available.

I cannot thank you, Cliff, and your staff, enough, for all you have done for Jeni. She is very happy, always eager to go back to Sunfield after a week-end at home, excited with her daily tasks and life and loves the church services when she is there over a week-end as they are pitched at her level and she willingly chooses to walk to the chapel on the premises.

While she has become far more independent and now views Sunfield as home, she is also ably assisted with those things she finds challenging, like washing her hair and cutting her nails. I could not wish for her to be taken greater care of! I am the one who finds it hard to be without her, but she is thriving and very happy when I am unable to visit or see her due to work pressures. In fact, the last few times, she has not even come to the door to say good-bye, but has given me a kiss and then gone on with her Sunfield life.  She is recognized as an equal, and “normal” and loves all that Sunfield offers, from dancing, occupational therapy, a variety of workshops, to feeding the chickens, going for walks and having some free time. She also thrives on the structured environment it offers.

Cliff, Tania and staff, I salute you, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do at Sunfield and for offering all the residents home from home in all aspects. 

I now feel a burden off my back, knowing my precious child will be happy, cared for and live a fulfilled life at Sunfield. This is all I ever wanted for Jeni, and I am delighted to have found her truly special place.

Warm regards

Barbara Taljard, Jeni’s mom

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